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Frequently asked questions and their answers.

How many licenses do I need?

You need one license per developer in your team that is working with the MobileUI Framework and/or MobileUI Plugin for Android Studio.

Please refer to our software license agreements for details.

What do you mean with 'commercial use'?

We understand the term 'commercial use' as use that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation. This is the same definition as can be found in the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.

For example: To follow the conditions of the Free plan, you typically must not distribute your apps via Play Store or App Store.

Please refer to our software license agreements for details.

Will my app still work after my license has expired?

Yes. Your app will work as long as OS updates don’t enforce updates for the MobileUI Framework. Typically, Apple and Google provide major upgrades for their mobile OSs once a year. You should be prepared to test your app with them and possibly update to the latest MobileUI version.

Do I need macOS to build MobileUI apps?

No. Since version 0.5.0, you can build MobileUI apps on Linux and Windows as well. However, you need macOS to build the iOS app of a MobileUI cross platform project. MobileUI uses RoboVM to compile your apps for iOS. Under the hood, RoboVM relies on Apple's Xcode for tasks like linking and signing. Xcode is only available for macOS, requiring you to run it either on your Mac or in a macOS-offering in the cloud.

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