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2. Running an App

Learn how to get your MobileUI app up and running.

Your MobileUI cross-platform app project can be built and run from within Android Studio. The following sections explain, how to run an existing app-project on Android Emulator and iOS Simulator.

Running the App on the Android Emulator

launch android
  • In Android Studio's launch section (at the top of the window) press the Play button and lean back.

    But wait - you don't have an Android device configured as shown above? Visit the Android Virtual Device Manager Documentation to create an AVD.

  • After some number crunching, you should see a friendly screen like this on your emulator:

Android emulator with MobileUI app

Hint: Is Android Studio asking you to increase your memory? Yes, please proceed!

Running the App on the iOS Simulator

Note: You can only build and run the app for iOS when you are working on macOS.

Manually add a RoboVM run configuration for iOS like this:

  • Select Edit Configurations... from the launch section's drop down menu.
RoboVM launch config
  • Then click the + button in the top left and select RoboVM iOS from the popup menu.
Adding a RoboVM launch config
  • Rename the configuration in the Name text box to "app-ios".
  • Select an simulator (e.g. iPhone® 11) in the Device Type drop down box.
  • Then click OK.

RoboVM run configuration

  • Proceed by pressing the Play button for the new configuration in the launch section.
RoboVM launcher
  • Are you building your very first app with MobileUI? Then go and get a quick coffee. Why?
    • The RoboVM compiler will compile a few thousand Java classes into machine code (RoboVM runtime, MobileUI Framework ...)
    • This step take several minutes. But keep calm: This only happens once!
  • Coming back from kitchen, sipping a hot coffee, you might see your machine present this friendly screen to you:
iOS simulator with MobileUI app