MobileUI LogoMobileUI

From 0.4.1 to 0.4.2

Migration guide from MobileUI 0.4.1 to 0.4.2

Custom Fonts now correct

With this fix release, custom fonts behave on all platforms as they did on iOS before. You can use the data from the TTF file to reference a font. You cannot reference the font via its file name anymore. So, for the file comicsans.ttf the following applies:

<TextView fontFamily="comicsans"/>
This did not work in some cases.

<TextView fontFamily="Comic Sans MS"/>
Now you must use the family name and all the other attributes like bold, italic or numeric fontWeight to reference the font.

Please also refer to the Custom Fonts Section

Android 5 and 6 LifecycleAware Fix

If you have problems when using the LifecycleAware interface (AbstractMethodException), please apply the following line to your file:
// add the following line

LifecycleAware: Bindings no fired after onCreate()

If you are using the LifecycleAware interface, it is now unneccessary to call MobileUI.firePropertyChanged(...) from your controller's onCreate() method. All bindings are now fired after onCreate and before onStart.

BEFORE: Firing property changes was required (Bindings were executed twice).
public class MyController implements LifecycleAware<Object> {
    public String greeting = "Start with NeverNull® MobileUI today.";
    public void onCreate(Object o) {
        greeting = "Just created";        MobileUI.firePropertyChanged(this, "greeting");    }

AFTER: No need to fire property changes in onCreate().
public class MyController implements LifecycleAware<Object> {
    public String greeting = "Start with NeverNull® MobileUI today.";
    public void onCreate(Object o) {
        greeting = "Just created";    }