Dependency Managment
Use MobileUI's bill of materials to manage common dependencies
Since version 0.5.1, MobileUI comes with a Bill Of Materials (BOM). This is a great a way to make your life easier by centralizing dependency versions in a single location. How can you profit from this?
Using the BOM with your MobileUI projects
To add the bill of materials to your MobileUI project, you add a single line of code in your app-common
's build file as shown below. From then on, you can use dependencies mentioned in the BOM without concrete version. This applies for example to the Retrofit Plugin, where you have a choice of different optional dependencies that always fit together with this approach:
dependencies {
api platform("io.nevernull:mobileui-platform:$mobileuiVersion")
// Use managed dependencies without concrete version
api "com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-jackson" ...
Additionally, all MobileUI plugins are part of the BOM so that version information is not required when declaring the list of plugins used in your project:
allprojects {
ext {
mobileuiPlugins = [
// MobileUI Plugin versions come from the BOM
"io.nevernull:mobileui-inject", "io.nevernull:mobileui-plugin-retrofit", "io.nevernull:mobileui-plugin-i18n", "io.nevernull:mobileui-plugin-vibrator", ]